SimpleMembership.Mvc3 – 1.0
Enables the SimpleMembership API from WebMatrix/WebPages (i.e. WebSecurity) to be used with ASP.NET MVC3. This allows you to use the WebSecurity helper found in the WebMatrix.WebData namespace.
Update: February 28, 2011 – Version 1.0 released
This includes:
- The App_Start convention from David Ebbo’s post.
- An updated dependency on WebActivator 1.3.2 or greater (This allows us to use the new PostApplicationStartMethod in WebActivator which allows us to remove the need to modify global.asax.cs).
- Removed need to modify global.asax.cs
- Now, the call to WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection() is in the new Post App Startup method called Initialize() inside App_Start/SimpleMembershipMvc3.cs. This is where you’ll need to specify your connection string and user table.
- Includes a web activator and web.config transforms that enable the SimpleMembershipProvider
- Includes an abstraction of the WebSecurity helper (IWebSecurityService) and an implementation (WebSecurityService) to enable use with DI/IoC frameworks such as NInject, etc.
- Modify the Initialize() method in App_Start/SimpleMembershipMvc3.cs to point to your connection string and user table.
- That’s It!
Using the IWebSecurityService abstraction
This package includes an abstraction of the WebSecurity interface (Services/IWebSecurityService) as well as an implementation of this interface (Services/WebSecurityService). This is useful for scenarios like using WebSecurity with Ninject or another IoC/DI framework to avoid hard references to WebSecurity and improve testability. To use this:
- First, make sure you register WebSecurityService as an IWebSecurityService with your IoC container.
- Next, remove the call to WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection from the Initialize() method in App_Start/SimpleMembershipMvc3.cs
- Finally, uncomment the following lines and modify the call to InitializeDatabaseConnection() to point to your connection string and user table:
var webSecurityService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IWebSecurityService>(); webSecurityService.InitializeDatabaseConnection(connectionStringName: "Default", userTableName: "Users", userIdColumn: "ID", userNameColumn: "Username", autoCreateTables: true);
Currently, the package includes the actual WebMatrix.WebData.dll assembly. I’m looking into changing the package to instead use powershell to add the reference to the project if it already exists on the user machine.